It's rainy and dark (my vitamin D reserves are getting very, very low) but that's OK because I had an amazing weekend! Ice skating and the bruises associated with that nearly crippled Kayla, but she is recovering. There was also pigeon hunting, horseback riding, football, and time spent with my friends and family that I will cherish. All in all, it was a jam-packed weekend that made 6:45AM a decidedly unpleasant experience.
On to the main reason for my post: photo of the week, the Veteran's Day Special. First of all, I want to sincerely and humbly thank all of those veterans, personally known or otherwise, who have risked their lives and lived to tell us about it. They were brave enough to sacrifice so much of life that I don't think I ever could put on the line. They not only risked their own lives, but they gave up time with family and friends, they gave up comforts that I take for granted, and did it for my freedom. I pray I never take that for granted. Have you ever taken the time to hear a veteran's story? I have a few times and they are amazing. Go find a vet, listen to them, nod your head and ask will be amazed with the perspective you gain. This is in honor of them:
This is a Veteran's memorial near downtown Schenectady and falls within the lines of my "self-project" of finding long-lost Schenectady. I look at this 3" gun, made by Rock Island Arsenal (I think) in 1944, every day before boarding the bus for work and think, "hey! I should photograph that cuz it's old and detailed and would make an interesting black & white" Well as luck would have it, one day last week was very foggy and I brought my camera. This is the best composition and I love the fog covering the back ground. I've contacted a few different agencies because I really want to know the back story of the gun--when I know, you'll know.
I do hope you enjoy the photo, and I hope you go find a veteran that you know and spend a few moments with them. Take them out to taco bell or something and talk, they deserve it.
Lastly, if you know of any sites around the city that you think to yourself, "that would be an awesome photograph, Tim Lawrence the photo-pro extraordinaire (just kidding!) should go snap a few shots", please let me know. I'm hungry for history knowledge of the area. Have a great day, stay warm!
Monday, November 14, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Schenectady: The lost city
I know, I's not Monday! Sorry to keep ya'll waiting, it's been amazingly busy and I've fallen behind on my editing. I started using RAW files instead of JPEG and that's a whole new learning curve to overcome, hence why I haven't done much uploading anywhere lately.
Well here it is, or they rather...
There is a wonderful little article that I found explaining the origins of this sign, here's the link. This guy does a much better job explaining it than I would so I step back into the role of information liaison. >><<
This photo is possibly the start of my first " personal project". I assigned myself the task of finding, photographing, and writing about all of the little things in Schenectady, NY that has been lost to history. There is a wealth of knowledge and history in this old city and I've always loved history (my grandmother has always been a history buff and passed that on to me), but I've never taken the time to explore my own city. I'm not going to be posting a whole ton of photos constantly, as I want this project to take time, lots of time. In this digital world and instantly attainable (and subsequently just a instantly forgettable) information, I'd like to slow down a bit and make something lasting. Wish me luck :)
Well here it is, or they rather...
There is a wonderful little article that I found explaining the origins of this sign, here's the link. This guy does a much better job explaining it than I would so I step back into the role of information liaison. >><<
This photo is possibly the start of my first " personal project". I assigned myself the task of finding, photographing, and writing about all of the little things in Schenectady, NY that has been lost to history. There is a wealth of knowledge and history in this old city and I've always loved history (my grandmother has always been a history buff and passed that on to me), but I've never taken the time to explore my own city. I'm not going to be posting a whole ton of photos constantly, as I want this project to take time, lots of time. In this digital world and instantly attainable (and subsequently just a instantly forgettable) information, I'd like to slow down a bit and make something lasting. Wish me luck :)
Monday, October 31, 2011
Congratulations on surviving this weekend's storm. If you lived elsewhere, rest assured, it sucked. Some people are still cleaning up but Albany is mostly back to normal since we didn't get hit nearly hard enough. Gloom and doom aside, I had a fun weekend and I hope you did as well. Today's picture of the week is a sincere and humble request for feedback. I'll explain-I'm at a crossroads with photography. Those of you who really know me know that I tend to rush things. However, in my defense, my passion for photography and the doors that have already opened seem to be running faster than even I could have imagined. So here I am, about to make some serious, long-lasting decisions and I find myself at a crossroads:
I found this on my (almost) daily walk at lunch and snapped a photo, thinking it was a bit humorous. Up until that point I had no idea what I was going to write about today (my first writer's block, yay!). I saw this and it was perfect. So this here is the I continue on at a steady and leisurely stroll, enjoying every minute of it and feeling absolutely no pressure or risk, or do I start running, experiencing the adrenaline rush and risk of injury? Hmmmmmm...
That's really all I have to say. Some wise guy once said, "with great risk comes great reward" and I'm probably over-dramatizing this but for having an extremely low risk tolerance this is a big deal for me. I guess my ultimate plea is that I will have a "Lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path"-Psalm 119:105. I need some light for the next few steps and for the long-term as well.
Questions, comments, smacks upside the head...I welcome them all.!/tlawrencephoto
I found this on my (almost) daily walk at lunch and snapped a photo, thinking it was a bit humorous. Up until that point I had no idea what I was going to write about today (my first writer's block, yay!). I saw this and it was perfect. So this here is the I continue on at a steady and leisurely stroll, enjoying every minute of it and feeling absolutely no pressure or risk, or do I start running, experiencing the adrenaline rush and risk of injury? Hmmmmmm...
That's really all I have to say. Some wise guy once said, "with great risk comes great reward" and I'm probably over-dramatizing this but for having an extremely low risk tolerance this is a big deal for me. I guess my ultimate plea is that I will have a "Lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path"-Psalm 119:105. I need some light for the next few steps and for the long-term as well.
Questions, comments, smacks upside the head...I welcome them all.!/tlawrencephoto
Monday, October 24, 2011
The power of a symbol
I've been married to my beloved for almost three months now...ages I know. It feels as though I've known her my entire life, wait that's true, and I feel as though I've loved her just as long, wait still pretty true, and I can't wait to spend the next 80+ years figuring out how to love her even better! I know that there will be rough times lasting a day, month, even year-we all go through storms-but I also know that the Sun never fails to come back. I recently joined a photography group where there is a weekly assignment to challenge our skills and force us to think creatively. The latest one was shooting a subject by candlelight, and while my submission wasn't the most creative or complex, to me it meant far more than a simple picture. Allow me to share my thoughts...
I realize that not everyone who is married wears wedding bands. I'm not here to promote or fight that...I do believe however that every married couple carries symbols in their life that physically represent the commitment they've made to each other. In my life, these rings are one of the most basic and permanent symbols of Kayla and I's commitment and love. The rings stay with us always and are not easily my case the ring is a certain metal that is near impossible to cut it really doesn't go anywhere! These were lit with just two candles and when I look at this I see God's spirit illuminating and keeping us throughout our lives. Without Him, we are in complete darkness and certainly won't shine or sparkle! His light brings out that internal beauty and is what keeps us and will keep us. Sure, there will be times when the love might dull down a bit but it will never be in complete darkness because that light will never fade. The thought that I want to leave with you this week is this...what symbols have you put in place to remind you and your spouse of the commitment you've made to each other? Do they need some more of God''s light, do they need a little shining up, or maybe both? Take a minute to remind yourself and your spouse of that commitment and pray that God sheds just a tad more light on it. Have a great week!
I realize that not everyone who is married wears wedding bands. I'm not here to promote or fight that...I do believe however that every married couple carries symbols in their life that physically represent the commitment they've made to each other. In my life, these rings are one of the most basic and permanent symbols of Kayla and I's commitment and love. The rings stay with us always and are not easily my case the ring is a certain metal that is near impossible to cut it really doesn't go anywhere! These were lit with just two candles and when I look at this I see God's spirit illuminating and keeping us throughout our lives. Without Him, we are in complete darkness and certainly won't shine or sparkle! His light brings out that internal beauty and is what keeps us and will keep us. Sure, there will be times when the love might dull down a bit but it will never be in complete darkness because that light will never fade. The thought that I want to leave with you this week is this...what symbols have you put in place to remind you and your spouse of the commitment you've made to each other? Do they need some more of God''s light, do they need a little shining up, or maybe both? Take a minute to remind yourself and your spouse of that commitment and pray that God sheds just a tad more light on it. Have a great week!
Monday, October 17, 2011
New direction!
Happy Monday! New week, new challenges, new opportunity....and new inspiration! After speaking with a writer friend of mine, who just started a new blog as well (she's awesome and will you will enjoy her posts..., I've decided on a weekly theme. Every Monday I'll post a picture with a short description or story or whatever for all to enjoy. At worst, you will be entertained by my ploys to entertain you, at best you will love the photo and my writing will improve!
Ok! Here it is...
This photo means quite a bit to me. A picture is worth a thousand words right? I'll try to keep it to 100 ;) Back in 2010, a military family moved here from the South and started attending my church. Right from the start they were friendlier than most Northerners, especially for not knowing anyone! My wife (fiancee at the time) and I spent some time with them and immediately became solid friends with the whole family. They were a home away from home for Kayla and treated her with love and kindness during the most stressful times of planing a wedding and going to school. They continue to be close friends even with the busyness of our wedding, there daughter's wedding, and countless other activities that sometimes keep us apart. I stopped by their house on Saturday after dropping Kayla off at work to catch a few football games with the man of the house, Joey. He's a die-hard LSU (geaux Tigers!) and New Orleans Saints fan and I like them too. It's also amusing to watch him get all bent out of shape during the game when it doesn't go his way. Well, Sis. Manos had decorated the outside of the home with some pretty awesome Fall decorations and I just had to have a mini-shoot. The light couldn't have been better for it being 1pm (it got way better at around 5, maybe those pictures will come next...) so click click click went my shutter. This was my favorite shot not only because of the lighting and color, but also because it embodies everything this family is about-welcoming people into their home with unconditional love. They have truly blessed myself, Kayla and countless others in the sometimes not-so-friendly Northeast. I'm thankful that God has placed them in our lives and hope that they feel as welcome in my home as I do in theirs.
I hope you enjoyed the photo and story of the week! Come back next Monday for more...
Ok! Here it is...
This photo means quite a bit to me. A picture is worth a thousand words right? I'll try to keep it to 100 ;) Back in 2010, a military family moved here from the South and started attending my church. Right from the start they were friendlier than most Northerners, especially for not knowing anyone! My wife (fiancee at the time) and I spent some time with them and immediately became solid friends with the whole family. They were a home away from home for Kayla and treated her with love and kindness during the most stressful times of planing a wedding and going to school. They continue to be close friends even with the busyness of our wedding, there daughter's wedding, and countless other activities that sometimes keep us apart. I stopped by their house on Saturday after dropping Kayla off at work to catch a few football games with the man of the house, Joey. He's a die-hard LSU (geaux Tigers!) and New Orleans Saints fan and I like them too. It's also amusing to watch him get all bent out of shape during the game when it doesn't go his way. Well, Sis. Manos had decorated the outside of the home with some pretty awesome Fall decorations and I just had to have a mini-shoot. The light couldn't have been better for it being 1pm (it got way better at around 5, maybe those pictures will come next...) so click click click went my shutter. This was my favorite shot not only because of the lighting and color, but also because it embodies everything this family is about-welcoming people into their home with unconditional love. They have truly blessed myself, Kayla and countless others in the sometimes not-so-friendly Northeast. I'm thankful that God has placed them in our lives and hope that they feel as welcome in my home as I do in theirs.
I hope you enjoyed the photo and story of the week! Come back next Monday for more...
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Dale and Grace's Engagement Shoot
Fall is in the air! Wait did I already say that...oh well, it's even more true now that it's getting chilly and the leaves really are starting to explode into bright reds, oranges, and yellows. My friends from church wanted a fall wedding and also some engagement photos to match. Their colors are very Fall-esque, but unfortunately for them it turned out to be almost 80 degrees and humid on the day we met up! They got through it though and the pictures came out great! I had so much fun with these guys and, as always, learned a great deal on the spot! I've been doing quite a bit of reading lately to gain some knowledge on photography but I think I learn the most when I can apply that knowledge out in the field. I love looking back on the photo I've taken and thinking about how it happened and how I could've improved. Anyway, here's some of my favs...enjoy!
Relaxing at SPAC...

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And the kiss... |
Relaxing at SPAC...
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Awesome smiles guys! |

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Hey Bo!! |
Since Dale is from Wyoming, we couldn't finish this off without a shot with Ghost!!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Lighting 101
As the sun retreats behind the clouds and rain begins to plummet from the sky, the ambient light quickly begins to give way to man-made lighting. I'm inspired to write about something I just learned in a "for dummies" book I am reading. Here goes:
Light is everything in photography and each light source is a certain temperature, and therefore gives off a different color of light. The cooler the light, the more red it is and the hotter the light, the bluer it is. We don't necessarily see this because our brain adjusts it automatically to make everything balanced. The camera however, does not...which is super cool and super crazy frustrating at the same time if you don't understand it. "Why are my family photos all coming out orange-tinted? Arrrgggg!!!" (my first experience with this phenomenon Christmas 2008)
So now that I'm starting to slowly understand this...I took some photos around 6pm, on a rainy day in downtown Schenectady. Here's how it came out...
As you can see, the lights are green and the part of the sidewalk that reflected it is green too! Cool...
There's something in that book about what produces the light, tungsten or halogen or something, I forget but it makes a difference... Now that I recognize this, I can start visualizing how a picture might turn out, and how to embrace or correct it so as to avoid post-production depression. That's all for today, here's a few more examples...and a sneak peak for the next post :)
Two love birds enjoying a leisurely stroll through SPAC and I had the pleasure of photographing them!
Till next time,
Light is everything in photography and each light source is a certain temperature, and therefore gives off a different color of light. The cooler the light, the more red it is and the hotter the light, the bluer it is. We don't necessarily see this because our brain adjusts it automatically to make everything balanced. The camera however, does not...which is super cool and super crazy frustrating at the same time if you don't understand it. "Why are my family photos all coming out orange-tinted? Arrrgggg!!!" (my first experience with this phenomenon Christmas 2008)
So now that I'm starting to slowly understand this...I took some photos around 6pm, on a rainy day in downtown Schenectady. Here's how it came out...
As you can see, the lights are green and the part of the sidewalk that reflected it is green too! Cool...
There's something in that book about what produces the light, tungsten or halogen or something, I forget but it makes a difference... Now that I recognize this, I can start visualizing how a picture might turn out, and how to embrace or correct it so as to avoid post-production depression. That's all for today, here's a few more examples...and a sneak peak for the next post :)
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Underexposed obviously, but I like how you just see the light-it looked simply white to my eye! |
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Last one, for perspective's sake |
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Hey that's me!!! |
Two love birds enjoying a leisurely stroll through SPAC and I had the pleasure of photographing them!
Till next time,
Monday, September 26, 2011
Finding my niche...
Good morning! Fall is in the air, sort of. Date: September 26; leaves: turning; Temperature: 75 and sunny? OK, despite the discrepancies and confusion by the weather pattern (perhaps the weather took a wrong turn in one seems to be complaining though), it's turning out to be a beautiful and eventful season.
Quick update since I lasted posted. I've taken over 500 pictures this week and am up to my eyeballs in editing and organizing. Included in the lot are such things as baby's first birthday, foggy mornings with a horse, and engagement photos! It's been busy!
So why am I posting today and why should you read it, and continue to read in the future? I'm going to start posting with certain themes in mind and my current them is...finding my niche. Huh? I'm working on finding a small, possibly obscure subject/event/etc. that someone might knot know much about, unless they themselves were a part of it. I think I've found it too...bear with me...I'm still new at this. I've had the immense pleasure of spending time with an amazing creature, Ghost and his trainer/owner/lifetime friend, Joey. This is by far the most beautiful horse I've ever seen! This horse is part of a specific breed called a Tennessee Walking Horse which, unbeknownst to me, has quite a following. More on this as it develops...for now I'll stop typing and let you enjoy some photos. About time, right?
Quick update since I lasted posted. I've taken over 500 pictures this week and am up to my eyeballs in editing and organizing. Included in the lot are such things as baby's first birthday, foggy mornings with a horse, and engagement photos! It's been busy!
So why am I posting today and why should you read it, and continue to read in the future? I'm going to start posting with certain themes in mind and my current them is...finding my niche. Huh? I'm working on finding a small, possibly obscure subject/event/etc. that someone might knot know much about, unless they themselves were a part of it. I think I've found it too...bear with me...I'm still new at this. I've had the immense pleasure of spending time with an amazing creature, Ghost and his trainer/owner/lifetime friend, Joey. This is by far the most beautiful horse I've ever seen! This horse is part of a specific breed called a Tennessee Walking Horse which, unbeknownst to me, has quite a following. More on this as it develops...for now I'll stop typing and let you enjoy some photos. About time, right?
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6:30AM came fast and with heavy fog. Ghost didn't seem to mind and was happy to show off. |
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Good morning! |
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This is Ghost's signature move. What a classic. |
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The blue eyes are completely natural. He is a beautiful creature. |
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The loving and dedicated trainer/owner, Joey. |
Thank you, Joey for allowing me to learn and photograph the wonderful labor of love you've put into this horse!
Up next...more on that niche, and the picture that traveled the U.S. in a matter of minutes. (Hint: it's one of these!)
Thursday, September 22, 2011
"He who has a slack hand becomes poor, But the hand of the diligent makes rich. He who gathers in summer is a wise son; He who sleeps in harvest is a son who causes shame." - Proverbs 10:4-5
If you want to grow in anything, don't wait around for something to happen, just start working and see where that takes you. I've heard this in many ways, by many people of all different mindsets. It seems to suit me; I'm more efficient and get so much more done if I am already busy. The minute things slow down is the minute I lose any sort of drive and motivation. I believe we are hard-wired that way; which is why, among other reasons, most of us have a hard time putting down the Blackberry on vacation. I say all this to say that I like to stay busy. I've tried many different vocations and hobbies during my short life. In my 24 years of being on this earth I've done many things and experienced some awesome stuff, but not nearly enough to allow me to sit back and reminisce quite yet; I'll save that for when I can start using the phrase, "now son, when I was your age..."
So, here I am at the start of a new adventure. This time it has so many different facets that I'm a bit overwhelmed by what steps need to be taken in order to achieve the end goals. Here's my story: Back in 2006, as I was failing my first semester of Culinary Arts at the local community college (yes, I failed hospitality 101-must be a Yankee thing...just kidding; that might be part of a future post, we'll see), I had the opportunity to go to Florida and work at Disney for a while. Being that it was 6 degrees Fahrenheit I don't think I could have gotten down there any faster. As a going away present I received my first digital camera and away I went. Some 800 photos later I was hooked. Now 10,000 photos and 5 years later I'm really hooked. This blog, as well as a few other things are the start of my photographic journey, from hack to pretty cool photo guy.
I've tried many new things that are outside of my comfort zone and this is definitely one of them. I don't claim to have a single creative writing gene in my body and my love for broccoli just might surpass my love for writing and self-marketing. Nevertheless, my love for photography drives me to put myself out there and share with the world this journey that I have set my sights upon. I would love to have a few friends to share this adventure with and welcome all the advice (i.e. how to form a coherent thought for your reading pleasure) I can get. Maybe you'll enjoy the writing, maybe you'l enjoy the pictures, who knows...but I'm putting myself and my photography on the front porch for all to see. Join me as I grow...
If you want to grow in anything, don't wait around for something to happen, just start working and see where that takes you. I've heard this in many ways, by many people of all different mindsets. It seems to suit me; I'm more efficient and get so much more done if I am already busy. The minute things slow down is the minute I lose any sort of drive and motivation. I believe we are hard-wired that way; which is why, among other reasons, most of us have a hard time putting down the Blackberry on vacation. I say all this to say that I like to stay busy. I've tried many different vocations and hobbies during my short life. In my 24 years of being on this earth I've done many things and experienced some awesome stuff, but not nearly enough to allow me to sit back and reminisce quite yet; I'll save that for when I can start using the phrase, "now son, when I was your age..."
So, here I am at the start of a new adventure. This time it has so many different facets that I'm a bit overwhelmed by what steps need to be taken in order to achieve the end goals. Here's my story: Back in 2006, as I was failing my first semester of Culinary Arts at the local community college (yes, I failed hospitality 101-must be a Yankee thing...just kidding; that might be part of a future post, we'll see), I had the opportunity to go to Florida and work at Disney for a while. Being that it was 6 degrees Fahrenheit I don't think I could have gotten down there any faster. As a going away present I received my first digital camera and away I went. Some 800 photos later I was hooked. Now 10,000 photos and 5 years later I'm really hooked. This blog, as well as a few other things are the start of my photographic journey, from hack to pretty cool photo guy.
I've tried many new things that are outside of my comfort zone and this is definitely one of them. I don't claim to have a single creative writing gene in my body and my love for broccoli just might surpass my love for writing and self-marketing. Nevertheless, my love for photography drives me to put myself out there and share with the world this journey that I have set my sights upon. I would love to have a few friends to share this adventure with and welcome all the advice (i.e. how to form a coherent thought for your reading pleasure) I can get. Maybe you'll enjoy the writing, maybe you'l enjoy the pictures, who knows...but I'm putting myself and my photography on the front porch for all to see. Join me as I grow...
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